My name is Scott Alexander Jackson.
The Father to me is Creator of everything, Author of my life and the Alpha and the Omega of all. Jesus is my Brother in eternity, best Friend in life and my Savior of my soul. The Holy Spirit is the Instructor who teaches me all things, the Comforter that turns my ashes into beauty and has given me the Power to do all things He has asked me to do. All three in one who formed me for a relationship with Him that would lead me to my full potential that He desperately wants for me. He has saved me from not only the lion in the streets but also from myself. Everyday starts with "Hello Lord". Then I declare to the world the verse of the day. Followed with a solo private worship song that is also my Morning Cry. Followed by my spiritual language pouring out my heart as I begin to light on fire on the steps of The Father's Throne. Then I read a chapter from the Living Word of God illuminated by the Holy Spirit who teaches all things to those who listen. Now I am ready to find my wife Amy Jo, the protector of my heart, ready to lead us in prayer and devotion for the day. A foundation to maintain His presence through the hours of service to him presenting my work as a living sacrifice of worship to the King of kings! Rinse and repeat.
A warrior in the Spirit and a general in the Lord’s Army and it came with unique gifts sewn into me as I was made in the womb. I have been given a big heart that fiercely loves without counting the cost. I have been given a comprehension of the world He made and the living Word He has given. I have been given empathy for all. During this process I lost it all to find that I am a saint. I am a child of God. My great priest has given me a sincere heart. I have been reconciled to God to become a personal ambassador for Jesus, the only Hope for the world.
I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life at 5 years old. My first prayer was asking that He would give me superpowers to save His people. But I did not consider the cost. Growing up I wrestled with God and complained about the cost asking Him to take the cup from me as His Son did. I lost all faith in myself multiple times, but never in my Father. I have even tested our Lord, dabbling with things I should not have. But He was faithful to see me through. Through multiple inner healing sessions I am free from all things not of God left with a hunger for all things God. Whether it was Holy Fire in the right choices or hell fire in the wrong ones, the Creator started the life long sanctification process using both. In this process I believed His grace would be sufficient enough to cleanse me from all sin just to find myself in King Nebuchadnezzar’s field grazing like an idiot. Then I was given a vision of Jesus on the Cross and for half a second felt what He felt and I cried like a baby. Once more I had not counted the cost. Now I know the cost is too high for Grace to want to spend any more of it. The lie I believed was “Did He not die for you to be free?” which led me to believe cheap Grace and I lived my life accordingly. The truth is He died so I (and all people) may be free to find our way home to the Father and live righteously by the power of the Holy Spirit. Not a “Get out of jail free card”.
Currently in the process, He is causing the reflection of His Son Jesus to shine through the physical. Given the redemptive gifts of a Prophet and Administrator to welcome the Lord’s Redemptive Army of Love into service. To proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand to heal the sick and to set the captives free. I am called to be a godly husband, son, uncle, brother and friend. I am called to help others escape King Nebuchadnezzar’s field. I have been seen as a mighty tall redwood surrounded by heritage oaks, a pillar of fire joined by another to do amazing things, lead a ministry larger than Billy Grahams…
In the future I am looking forward to what the Author has next. Words of knowledge throughout my life that I am God’s secret weapon. I can feel His finger on the trigger. Waiting for His perfect timing. This is a living document that will change as the Lord leads. Watch out! This life is going supernova for JESUS! For I am a beloved child of God and a warrior in the Spirit!
A warrior in the Spirit and a general in the Lord’s Army and it came with unique gifts sewn into me as I was made in the womb. I have been given a big heart that fiercely loves without counting the cost. I have been given a comprehension of the world He made and the living Word He has given. I have been given empathy for all. During this process I lost it all to find that I am a saint. I am a child of God. My great priest has given me a sincere heart. I have been reconciled to God to become a personal ambassador for Jesus, the only Hope for the world.
I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life at 5 years old. My first prayer was asking that He would give me superpowers to save His people. But I did not consider the cost. Growing up I wrestled with God and complained about the cost asking Him to take the cup from me as His Son did. I lost all faith in myself multiple times, but never in my Father. I have even tested our Lord, dabbling with things I should not have. But He was faithful to see me through. Through multiple inner healing sessions I am free from all things not of God left with a hunger for all things God. Whether it was Holy Fire in the right choices or hell fire in the wrong ones, the Creator started the life long sanctification process using both. In this process I believed His grace would be sufficient enough to cleanse me from all sin just to find myself in King Nebuchadnezzar’s field grazing like an idiot. Then I was given a vision of Jesus on the Cross and for half a second felt what He felt and I cried like a baby. Once more I had not counted the cost. Now I know the cost is too high for Grace to want to spend any more of it. The lie I believed was “Did He not die for you to be free?” which led me to believe cheap Grace and I lived my life accordingly. The truth is He died so I (and all people) may be free to find our way home to the Father and live righteously by the power of the Holy Spirit. Not a “Get out of jail free card”.
Currently in the process, He is causing the reflection of His Son Jesus to shine through the physical. Given the redemptive gifts of a Prophet and Administrator to welcome the Lord’s Redemptive Army of Love into service. To proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand to heal the sick and to set the captives free. I am called to be a godly husband, son, uncle, brother and friend. I am called to help others escape King Nebuchadnezzar’s field. I have been seen as a mighty tall redwood surrounded by heritage oaks, a pillar of fire joined by another to do amazing things, lead a ministry larger than Billy Grahams…
In the future I am looking forward to what the Author has next. Words of knowledge throughout my life that I am God’s secret weapon. I can feel His finger on the trigger. Waiting for His perfect timing. This is a living document that will change as the Lord leads. Watch out! This life is going supernova for JESUS! For I am a beloved child of God and a warrior in the Spirit!